LADY GAGA – Born This Way
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"What makes Born This Way so disarmingly great is how warm and humane Gaga sounds. There isn’t a subtle moment on the album, but even at its nuttiest, the music is full of wide-awake emotional details. The friendliest cut is “Yoü & I,” her love song to a “cool Nebraska guy.” She has been playing it live for a while, but who knew she would let Mutt Lange put “We Will Rock You” drums all over it? Or bring in Queen’s Brian May to play guitar?
All that excess just amps up the emotion in the song, especially when Gaga wails, “There’s only three men that I’m-a serve my whole life/It’s my daddy and Nebraska and Jesus Christ.” Gaga loves overheated cosmic statements for the same reason she loves dance pop and metal guitars – because she hears them as echoes of her twisted rock & roll heart. That’s the achievement of Born This Way: The more excessive Gaga gets, the more honest she sounds."
- Riolling Stone