ORCHID – Totality
"Orchid is one of the most heralded bands in the screamo genre. Through countless splits, compilations, 7 inches, and a few LPs, Orchid made a name for themselves at the top of their genre. Since their well-publicized breakup, they've split into two bands, Panthers and Wolves, but thankfully for all their fans, Totality is what you've been waiting for: A collection of 24 tracks, spanning their entire, albeit short career, including singles, compilation tracks, splits, rarities, and other random songs, and everything has been remastered for pristine sound quality, while maintaining the raw, frenetic feel the band had always given off.
What really set Orchid apart was their absolute, unrelenting passion for the chaotic brand of hardcore they played. Jagged, discordant riffing, and some of the most ear-splitting vocals around are what Orchid was all about. They weren't the fastest band around, or the hardest by any stretch of the imagination, but the passion in every song is far more captivating than any heavy doom metal riff could ever hope to be."
- punknews.org